Retention is the new Acquisition!

Remember all those new customers you acquired last year? Well, now is your chance to show them what you’ve got and why it’s worth sticking around for the long haul.

It’s no secret that marketers are obsessed with #acquisition this and acquisition that. After all, acquiring clients is the name of the game. But what about #retention? Retaining clients should be just as important (if not more), especially as many companies are trimming marketing budgets.

We see “new” as growth, but what of the existing customer? It’s time to stop taking your existing customers for granted. Regardless of whether you are in the #B2B or #B2C space, or selling through #BrickandMortar or #Online, you must develop a model for #growth that keeps customers (and keeps them happy). Increasing customers’ lifetime value via retention strategies makes for a more sustainable business.

It’s time to convert more from your existing database. This means studying product features, understanding customer journeys, digging deep into your #data, and finding the gold hidden among your current customers and prospects.

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