People power e-commerce

From the actual humans who use products to the same humans talking about them before, during, and after the purchase process, #ecommerce is about “people-commerce.”

It is easy to forget who is running the show (and buying the products, then telling their friends and family about which they liked and disliked), but at the end of the day, e-commerce transactions are connections between people. The customer journey is not just an automated, digital ride with your brand—it’s a human journey based on human emotions, motivations, and needs. 💡

E-commerce starts with people, and great e-commerce brands cater to the needs and desires of people. It’s estimated that 218.8 million U.S. consumers will shop online in 2023. That is 218.8 million real people buying things like diapers, groceries, air fryers, flip-flops, power tools, and jigsaw puzzles.

🙋‍♂️ That is why I, a real human named Robert (which sounds like something a bot would say, but just ask my wife and she will verify without having to click each box with a boat, bridge, or traffic light to confirm that I am indeed real), am all about communicating here on LinkedIn with the intention of reciprocating knowledge, helping each other grow sales, and attracting repeat business.

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